In preparation for the upcoming growing season, a 2021 Hydrant permit program is being developed by the City of Chicago’s Department of Water Management, with cooperation and input from Advocates for Urban Agriculture (AUA), NeighborSpace (NBSP), the Chicago Food Policy Action Council (CFPAC), and others.
For information and technical assistance in navigating the 2021 requirements, please use the resources below:
Water Access Application:
Current City of Chicago Hydrant Use Permit Application
2021 Water Access Application Guide
For technical support, please contact:
Please include details on issues navigating the 2021 application in the subject line of these emails to better assist.
Interested in supporting progress for equitable water policy? Fill out the 2021 Grower Survey today.
Ready to get water on your farm?
Use this interactive Pathways to Water Access graphic to determine the best solution for your farm or garden.
None of these 3 options are viable solutions for your farm? Continue scrolling to learn if hydrant water would be a solution for water access on your growing site.
Ready to pursue one of these three options? Contact UAP for more information on your next steps!
hydrant water access eligibility
Only proceed if the preferred options above are not available. Hydrant water access is temporary and a last resort option.
Ready to move on to requesting a permit for hydrant access? Fantastic! Keep scrolling for guidance on how to get your permit in a timely manner.
Need assistance or hae questions before moving on to the permitting process?
hydrant water access permit application Process
Ready to start the process to access fire hydrant water? You’ll need to complete the following steps: