19th annual chicago food justice summit

March 6-8th, 2024

The 19th Annual Food Justice Summit will be held virtually on March 6-7th, 2024,
and in person on March 8th at South Shore Cultural Center.

The Chicago Food Policy Action Council and its summit planning team celebrate 19 years of leveraging collective power to policy. The Annual Food Justice Summit have been shared ground for attendees to exchange meaningful knowledge, build deep relationships, and make powerful conversations on how to envision our food future together. Our Summits have highlighted ways to ground policy in community action and engage participants in reimagining Chicago’s foodscape. Past sessions have included themes crucial to food policy: climate change, labor equity, food access and urban farming. Through partnership with local leaders and beyond, attendees have engaged with passionate speakers and a marketplace of resources from all over Chicago, Cook County, and across the state of Illinois.

This event is organized in partnership with Cook County Department of Public Health (CCDPH) and the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs & Special Events (DCASE). CFPAC and the 19th Annual Chicago Food Justice Summit is supported by in part by federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds allocated to CCDPH.


This Years Summit Theme Is Climate Resilience

This Summit theme will remind attendees of how intrinsically tied the environmental justice movement is with the food justice movement. This Summit will also honor indigenous communities as the primary caretakers of Earth’s biodiversity (85%!) as well as a wealth of knowledge and resources as to how we could shift agricultural practices to be less taxing on the environment. Summit programming will emphasize the potential within the food system to address climate change.

19th annual chicago food justice summit raffle prizes

To increase virtual engagement at the Summit, we’re hosting another raffle! Game codes are hidden on CFPAC’s website and the Summit’s virtual event platform. Enter the codes you’ve found into the “Event Game & Raffle” section to earn raffle tickets! Two raffles will be drawn, one virtually and on in person on Friday March. 8th, at the end of the Summit. To learn more about the Summit and participate in the game, get your free ticket today!


Chicago Food Policy Action Council as an organization co-develops, facilitates, advocates for, and supports implementation of policies that advance food justice and food sovereignty in Chicago and across the region (and also is one of the lead organizers of the Summit!). CFPAC has donated two heather grey t-shirt that says “Together we Nurture & Protect Land, Water, Food Sovereignty.” to be raffled off. There are multiple sizes available.

Retail value: $25 each


Rain barrels are a type of green infrastructure that capture rainwater from your roof and save it for when you need it. By keeping this water out of the sewer system, rain barrels can also help prevent sewer overflows and flooding. You can use rain barrel water to wash your car, water your lawn, or clean work boots and tools. Rain barrel water is naturally free of chlorine, lime, and calcium and some gardeners swear their plants prefer it. The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District has donated one rain barrel.

Retail value: $150


Easy walks and paddles in milwaukee

Easy Walks and Paddles in Milwaukee offers readers a guide to transit- and wheel- accessible walks and paddles in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Sisters Karen and Jen Lemke visited over fifty parks and other public spaces to field test these walks. Among multiple details that they reported, at each destination they noted safety concerns, trail surfaces, accessibility, bathroom access, benches, and whether dogs are allowed. They criss-crossed the city by bus, on bikes, paddled kayaks, and simply walked. They even ran into Milverine, a local celebrity and youtube sensation, who recommends exploring Milwaukee by foot.

Retail value: $25

Lomi bloom

Food waste in. Lomi Earth out.

Lomi begins by heating and grinding your food waste.

Through the cycle, the sensors measure and control the moisture content and temperature inside while the airflow system provides continuous supply of oxygen.

The airflow system also consists of a proprietary dual-filter design that helps neutralize the odour.

Retail Value: $399

Berries & Flour: Bakery & Harvest Goods

* These are up for raffle separately!

2) Elderflower Maker's Kit ($30 Retail)

Make your own elderflower cordial with hand-picked, dried elderflowers from our farm! This kit has everything you need to make a quart.

(6) Wild Cocktail Kit. ($27 Retail)

Enjoy making wild mocktails/cocktails  featuring plants from local farms, fields, and forests. Each kit has 2oz bottles of our unique syrups and shrubs, hard-to-find garnishes such as lilac flowers and elderberries, citrus, and most ingredients for the drink. A recipe card is included. 

Each kit makes 3-6 drinks, depending on the drink. 

(1) We were mint to be together basket 

Mountain Mint Hot Chocolate

Mountain Mint Syrup

Moroccan Mountain Mint Tea

(1) Elder heart & soul basket

Elderberry Hot Chocolate

Elderberry Jam

Elderflower Syrup

Retail Value: $25 each basket!



Illinois Stewardship Alliance a Farmer-led, Eater-powered Alliance using our voices and our choices to shape a more just, local, and regenerative farm and food system. Win a stylish Tote to carry all your local goods!

Retail Value: priceless!


Gardeneers works with Chicago’s South- and Westside schools and communities to contribute positively to the larger food system. Pack your bag and join them in transforming Chicago’s food system!

Win a Brand NEW Patagonia Black Hole Pack 25L, Hat, and a Frisbee!

Retail Value: $170

Food he.ro

At Food He.ro, we strive to empower our communities the best way we know how – through food, tradition and innovation. Our programs are designed to support the new era of cooking led by people of color.

Enjoy a small produce bag with a fresh pressed juice and a prepped meal all made with love by the Foodhe.ro team!

Retail value: priceless!


Culture box

Enjoy some delicious offerings compliments of Culture Box!

Included are: Wine Pickled Beets, a hot honey done in collaboration with Bee-utiful Bees Honey, and a fermented root medley spiced with berbere seasoning.

Retail Value: $30


Would you like to donate a prize to the raffle? Please email summit@chicagofoodpolicy.com with information about your donation, a high quality image, and the retail value to get started!


The 19th Annual Chicago Food Justice Summit is organized with the guidance and oversight of several community organizations that work closely with CFPAC to ensure that our outreach, messaging, and programming is reflective and representative of the diversity of the Chicagoland region. CFPAC is extremely grateful to the following individuals and organizations who have lended their time, talent, and expertise to organize another incredible summit.

Jeanne Janson - Central Illinois Young Farmers Coalition
Christine Johnson - Central Illinois Young Farmers Coalition
Ruby Ferguson - Chicago Food Equity Council
Cosmos Ray - Chicagoland Food Sovereignty Coalition
Sydney Coyle - Community Food Navigator
Casey McCullough - Contemporary Farmer Inc.
Amy O'Rouke - Cook County Department of Public Health
Keith Winn - Cook County Department of Public Health
Yescenia Mota - Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events
Alexandra Sossa - Farmworker and Landscaper Advocacy Project
Selma Sims - Gardeneers
Paula McGuire-Rowe - Greater Chicago Food Depository
Mecca Bey - Grow Greater Englewood

Jennifer Steward - Grow Greater Englewood
Lucy Peterson - Illinois Public Health Institute
Kathleen Mueller - Illinois Stewardship Alliance
Virginia Pleasant - North West Indiana Food Council
Jeff Hake - Northern Illinois Young Farmers Coalition
Real Foods Collective
Eliana Pinilla
- The Common Market
Gina Roxas - Trickster Cultural Center
Mykele Callicutt - Urban Growers Collective
Paige Tobin - Urban Growers Collective
Tommy Carden - Warehouse Workers for Justice
Paul Krysik - Windy City Harvest


This event would not be possible without your financial support. Your collaboration provides you with the unique opportunity to:

  • Connect with a diverse audience, including community members, elected officials, environmental justice advocates, emergency food providers, nutrition and health care advocates, growers, food workers, and thought leaders.

  • Partner with one of the most fluid and cross-sectional nonprofits in Chicago working on food policy, justice and sovereignty. 

  • Receive a feature in CFPAC’s social media, website, promotional materials, email blasts, press release and program.

  • Support a movement to create a more equitable, resilient, and just food system in Chicago.

  • 100% of proceeds directly support Chicago Food Policy Action Council’s Summit Programming

Thank you to the 19th Summit sponsors

 past food justice summits