Las Visionarias: An Initiative of Centro de Trabajadores Unidos
Centro de Trabajadores Unidos (”CTU”) is a grassroots, member-led worker center and community organizing hub serving Chicago’s southeast side and south suburbs. In 2018, their southeast Chicago incubator launched Las Visionarias, an immigrant women-run catering cooperative, one of the first worker cooperatives in Illinois.
CTU’s mission is to build power among low-wage and immigrant workers and advance systemic change to stabilize low-income immigrant communities and communities of color.
CTU envisions a healthy and thriving local economy free from exploitation and oppression in which workers’ rights are respected, their dignity is upheld, and their labor justly compensated. Healthy workplaces support healthy individuals and families, the building blocks of a strong community.
In partnership with Las Visionarias, CTU provides delicious authentic Mexican food with an atmosphere of cooperatism, empowerment, and good sazon through mutual aid service as well as catering opportunities!
“Through the program we were able to shift the focus of Las Visionaries from pre-pandemic catering to post-pandemic mutual aid. It came at a time when it was crucial to have that paycheck, while also receiving feedback from the community that we’re actually doing something good.”
Microgrant Program Impacts
Throughout the program, Las Visionarias prepared and distributed hot meals and educational pamphlets through an expanding number of partnerships developed with community organizations across the south suburbs, including Blue Island, Burnham, Calumet City, Calumet Park, and Riverdale. A variety of hot meals were prepared, including chicken fajitas, tuna salad, vegetarian egg scramble, and oven-baked chicken, veggies, and pasta. Nutrition education pamphlets included with prepared meals focused on a range of topics such as healthy meal recipes and cooking recommendations.
Special Thanks to Photographer Blake Bonaparte (@ayeee_itsblake), Brittany Wright of Yo’ Little Business, Southland Development Authority, Real Foods Collective, and UI Extension - Local Food Systems & Small Farms Team
This program is supported by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award totaling $25,214,437 to the Cook County Department of Public Health with 100 percent funded by CDC/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official view of, nor an endorsement by, CDC/HHS, or the U.S. Government.