Statement on City Council's 19.7 Million Dollar Tax Break to Hilco Global


On Wednesday March 13, City Council passed Resolution 2018-1394, effectively awarding Hilco Global with almost 20 million dollars in tax breaks for replacing the Crawford Coal Power Plant with a similar environmental travesty to inflict on the residents of Little Village.

Though Hilco has made promises of solar energy, environmental remediation, and local jobs, Hilco has yet to address that their million-square foot warehouse is reliant on bringing even more diesel trucks to Little Village, which is already at the 99th percentile in the U.S. for levels of diesel emissions at the 98th percentile for air pollution.*

Hilco Global and the City of Chicago’s insistence on pushing this project forward is indicative of a flagrant disregard of the health and stability of Little Village Residents, who have expressed strong opposition and concern for these issues.

By rapidly pushing this vote forward, City Council has usurped the ability of the next mayor and incoming City Council members of weighing in on this critical issue to implement their own vision of sustainable economic development for Chicago.

Chicago Food Policy Action Council remains unwavering in our stance against this Hilco Global project and support for community-led solutions for Little Village families.

*According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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